Post 12
Dale Cody2017-03-15T04:33:46+00:00The Southern Appalachia of North Carolina is positively pregnant with rivers, creeks, waterfalls, cascades, lakes and all manner of water both moving and still. In small rushing creeks where lush green vegetation and moss covered rocks frame soft running water, I can lose myself in moments of zen.
Post 11
Dale Cody2017-03-15T04:33:46+00:00I love moving water. I love rivers, creeks, rapids, waterfalls, waves, cascades and anywhere else water is dynamic. I love the sound it makes and the shapes it takes. I love what it does with the light - how it can reflect brilliantly and at the exact same time show incredible transparency and depth.
Post 09
Dale Cody2015-10-09T06:11:18+00:00Rock climbing on the incredible, surreal cliffs at Tonsai in southern Thailand is a treat not to be missed in this life by anyone who loves climbing. The massive rock formations just rocket out of the sand everywhere and look like something a Hollywood set designer came up with.